she was a girl who forced
her smiles
her dreams
her appearance
her soul
she was a girl lost
too scared to ask a stranger for help
too proud to admit she had gotten it all wrong
too ashamed to reveal how she had been coping
she was a girl who had enough of not feeling enough
she was a girl
who finally learned
that being herself
was the key
to being free
Britt Lawrence Melton is a yoga teacher, a writer, a speaker of truth and a seeker of beauty on a quest to live an authentic life. She is a mom, a wife and a friend who loves yoga, meditation, photography, travel and staring at the ocean. Britt’s personal story of recovery from Binge Eating Disorder was the inspiration behind her website and blog,, although she now uses the website and social media (@ohhowsheblooms) to share her yoga teachings too.