Many of us believe in speaking the truth. We are quick to give our opinions and design them as truth. I have been guilty of this — believing that my truth is the only truth and that everyone else was wrong. I wondered why I had lost so many people in my life and why I just couldn’t get along with people. I had such a negative and self-righteous attitude that I couldn’t care less about or see their point of view.

About a year and a half ago, I began doing online Bible studies through Proverbs 31. I began to see how many people there were and how many differing opinions there were, but people still loved Jesus and desired a relationship with Him. In Ephesians 4:15 (CSB), it states: “But speaking the truth in love, let us grow in every way into Him who is the head—Christ.” Jesus came to this world armed with the truth of God. He did not condemn people, He spoke the truth in love. He wanted people to come to Him and know His Father. He wanted to save the lost and those who did not know or understand Him. Even when He was tossing over tables and having debates with the Pharisees, there was never hate behind His actions. He believed the best in all of them and wanted them to see God in Him.

This is how we should be. We want others to be a part of the wonderful plan of God both here on earth and afterwards. We want to bring Christ to a dying world. We cannot do that through self righteous actions or thoughts. We can only do this by living the mind of Christ and by seeing the people around us as He did. We are called to speak God’s truth in Word and deed, but it needs to be done out of a place of love, not hate.


Gina Fox is a wife, mom to 2 fur babies and aunt to 5 boys who lives in North Canton, OH. She loves to write, teach and have endless conversations about movies and music. Her IG is @gfox2010. Her blog is